See also: Private Water Supply Wells Program Resources
The On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Dispersal Systems Program resources page comprises much of the wastewater information the Branch provides to local health departments and other clients.
This resources page comprises:
[+] Expand All Resource Lists | [-] Contract All Resource Lists
Laws and Rules (moved to the EHS Rules page)
QA Toolkit -- Wastewater Updated 01/07/25
Sample Forms, Letters, and Publications (moved to the EHS forms page)
Design Aids - Updated 8/21/24
Homeowner Materials and Research - Updated 09/22/21
Governor Cooper Recognized September 20-24 as a SepticSmart Week in NC
There are over four million occupied homes in North Carolina and approximately 50% use septic systems to collect, treat, and disperse their wastewater. This dependence within the state has remained relatively constant for more than 20 years. On-site systems are projected to be used in ever-increasing numbers as a part of the permanent wastewater treatment infrastructure in communities due to population growth, development pressure, and the high cost of centralized wastewater treatment systems. North Carolina had the third highest number of homes served by septic systems in the 1990 Census, and the National Environmental Services Center 2015 Assessment Report indicated that North Carolina had the highest number of new septic system installations across the United States.
Septic systems are environmentally friendly and are safe to public health. Septic systems can provide a permanent wastewater treatment solution if closer attention is provided to use, inspection, operation, and management of the systems. It is important for all NC citizens served by septic systems to be aware of and practice proper care and maintenance of this important component of their home infrastructure. That is why Governor Cooper has declared September 20-24, 2021, as SepticSmart Week in North Carolina. SepticSmart Week is an annual event focused on educating homeowners and communities on the proper care and maintenance of their septic systems. For more information, please visit SepticSmart Week | US EPA
EPA’s SepticSmart initiative is a national public education effort offering educational resources to homeowners, local organizations, and government leaders to explain how septic systems work and provide tips on how to properly maintain them.
SepticSmart Week 2021
County On-Site Activity Reports- Updated 08/09/23