Position Statements
Position statements are policy documents to clarify how to interpret or enforce a law or rule. They are not enforceable on their own, but are intended to
promote uniform interpretation and enforcement of the underlying law or rule.
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Environmental Health - Added 09/13/24
Food Protection and Facilities - Updated 02/27/25
Food Protection Program
- Act to
Allow Food Stands to Provide Tables and Chairs for Customers to use while Consuming
Drinks or Food upon the Premises (PDF, 66 KB)
- Bed and
Breakfast Homes: Changes in Definition and On-site Wastewater Treatment System
Requirements (PDF, 190 KB)
- Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Certified
Food Protection Manager Implementation (PDF, 261 KB)
- Cooking
Schools: When is a cooking school exempt and when is a food establishment permit
required? (PDF, 65 KB)
- Cultivated
Mushrooms in North Carolina Food Establishments (PDF, 91 KB)
- Design Daily
Sewage Flow for a Food Establishment Served by an Onsite Wastewater Treatment and
Dispersal System (PDF, 282 KB)
- Design Daily Sewage
Flow for Mobile Food Units, Pushcarts and their Commissaries served by an On-site
Wastewater Treatment and Dispersal System (PDF, 246 KB)
- Donated Food
(PDF, 93 KB)
- Electrolyzed
Water, Electrochemically Activated Water, and Electro-Activated Water Generated
On-Site (PDF, 338 KB)
- Expanded
Food Service for Pushcarts or Mobile Food Units (PDF, 103 KB)
- Food and
Beverage Jurisdiction Chart (PDF, 166.3 KB)
- Food Protection and
Facilities Branch Correspondence (PDF, 244 KB)
- HACCP Plan Review
for Franchised or Chain Food Establishments (PDF, 193 KB)
- HACCP/Variance
Verification and Enforcement Guidance (PDF, 76 KB)
- Limited Food Services at
Lodging Facilities (PDF, 153 KB)
- Mobile Food Unit
Commissaries (PDF, 73 KB)
Standards and Requirements for Barbecue Cookers (PDF, 264 KB)
- Updated
Outdoor Grills at Food Establishments (PDF, 368 KB)
- Packaged Food (PDF,
128 KB)
- Packaged Foods and
Labeling in Food Establishments (PDF, 328 KB)
- Permit and
Transitional Permit Guidance (PDF, 104 KB)
- Raw Eggs in Food
Establishments Serving a Highly Susceptible Population (PDF, 74 KB)
- Revised Marking
Instructions (PDF, 26 KB)
- Shared-Use
Kitchen Guidance (PDF, 260 KB)
- Use of Power
Tools in Temporary Food Establishments (TFE) (PDF, 325 KB)
- Warewashing
Facilities in Existing Food Establishments and Guidance for New Permits (PDF,
189 KB)
- Wastewater
Permit Exemption for Small-Scale Processing of Agricultural Products (PDF, 186
- Wild
Foraged Mushrooms in North Carolina Food Establishments (PDF, 162 KB)
- Session Law
2024-49: Liability and Q&A (PDF, 411 KB)
Inspections, Statistics, and Fees Program
Plan Review Unit
Pools, Tattoos, and State Institutions
On-Site Water Protection - Updated 02/06/25
On-Site Wastewater Program
Approved Configuration
for Prefabricated Permeable Panel Block Systems (PPPBS)
(PDF, 86 KB)
Bed and
Breakfast Homes: Changes in Definition and On-site Wastewater Treatment System
(PDF, 190 KB)
Bored Wells
Considered to be Cased Wells (Minimum horizontal separation distance between bored
wells and ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems)
(PDF, 98 KB)
Requirements for Contractors Who Install or Repair Grease Traps, Tanks, Interceptors
or Separators
(PDF, 275 KB)
Design Daily
Sewage Flow for a Food Establishment Served by an Onsite Wastewater Treatment and
Dispersal System
(PDF, 282 KB)
Design Daily Sewage
Flow for Mobile Food Units, Pushcarts and their Commissaries served by an On-site
Wastewater Treatment and Dispersal System
(PDF, 246 KB)
Design Daily Flow Exemption for Low-Flow Design Alternatives for Wastewater
(PDF, 71 KB)
of Session Law 2018-114 (HB 374) Sections 9-12 Provisions
(PDF, 478 KB);
Evaluation for On-Site Wastewater System
(PDF, 209 KB)
Updated 09/12/22:
Implementation of Session Law
(PDF, 1 MB)
Updated 02/06/25:
of Session Law 2023-90
(PDF, 1.048 MB);
GS130A-335(a2) Common
Form - Fillable
(PDF, 810 KB);
Common Form Application
- Fillable
(PDF, 416 KB)
Low-Flow Design
Alternatives for Wastewater Systems
(PDF, 151 KB)
Wastewater Systems (RWTS) Operator Requirements (Revision)
(PDF, 290 KB)
Law (S.L.) 2015-147: Amendments to Rules: 15A NCAC 18A .1945(b), 15A NCAC 18A
.1956(7)(d), Repeal of Rule: 15A NCAC 18A .1956(6)(c)
(PDF, 292 KB)
of Wastewater System Authorization to Construct (AC)
(PDF, 102 KB)
Permit Exemption for Small-Scale Processing of Agricultural Products
(PDF, 186
System Permit Extension
(PDF, 293 KB)
Session Law
2024-49: Liability and Q&A
(PDF, 411 KB)
- Session Law 2024-49 (S166) - Additional Changes to 18E (PDF, 355 KB)
- Session Law 2024-57 (S382) Disaster Recover Act
- Session Law 2024-57 Affidavit for Reconnection to Temporary Housing
Private Drinking Water Wells Program
Children's Environmental Health Branch - Updated 09/13/24